Comprehensive FDM 3D Printing Guide

Discover the ultimate guide to FDM 3D printing, covering materials, post-processing, manufacturing methods, design guidelines, and care tips to ensure project success. We have created this to provide you with a solid foundation in the essential aspects of 3D printing and prototyping. With abundant information available on this subject, we have focused on key points that will help you gain a basic understanding of the crucial parameters to consider when utilizing our 3D printing services.

Introduction To FDM 3D Printing

FDM 3D Printing Service

What is FDM 3D Printing?

Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) is an additive manufacturing technology used for production of 3D printed objects. The process involves extruding thermoplastic filament through a heated nozzle, which deposits the material layer by layer to build up the final object. FDM is widely used due to its cost-effectiveness, ease of use, and versatility in creating complex geometries.

How FDM 3D Printing Work

How Does FDM 3D Printing Work?

  1. Design: The process begins with a 3D model created using CAD software.
  2. Slicing: The 3D model is then sliced into layers using slicing software, which also generates the G-code for the printer.
  3. Printing: The printer follows the G-code instructions, extruding filament through a heated nozzle and depositing it layer by layer on the build platform.
  4. Post-Processing: Once the print is complete, it may require post-processing steps like removing supports,  sanding, application of protective layers and other smoothing techniques.

Crucial Parameters in FDM 3D Printing

Print Resolution across 3 Dimensions

Print Resolution

Print resolution refers to the level of detail and smoothness of the printed object, determined by layer height and XY resolution.

  • Layer Height: This is the thickness of each printed layer, typically ranging from 0.1mm (high resolution) to 0.3mm (low resolution). Lower layer heights produce finer details but increase print time. This is visible when looking at the print from the  X and Y planes.
  • XY Resolution: This is the smallest movement the printer can make in the horizontal plane. Higher XY resolution results in more precise prints. This is mostly affected by the nozzle diameter, plastic flow rates and print speed during printing. This is visible when looking at the print from the Z plane.
Infill Types


Infill refers to the internal structure of the 3D printed object, affecting its strength, weight, and print time.

  • Infill Density: This is the percentage of the object’s interior that is solid, typically ranging from 0% (hollow) to 100% (completely solid). Functional parts usually have an infill density between 20% and 50%.
  • Infill Patterns: Various patterns like grid, honeycomb, and gyroid balance strength and material usage differently.


Overhangs occur when parts of the print extend outward beyond the previous layer without direct support underneath.

  • Angle Limitations: Overhangs exceeding 45 degrees from the vertical often require supports.
  • Design Considerations: Minimizing overhangs during the design phase can reduce the need for supports and improve print quality.
Supports Example


Supports are temporary structures that hold up overhanging parts during printing.

  • Types of Supports: Supports can be grid-like or tree-like, with grid supports forming a simple lattice and tree supports branching out.
  • Removal and Post-Processing: Supports need to be removed after printing, which may involve additional steps like sanding, cutting, and deburring.
For a better understanding of overhangs in designs and use of supports in the FDM 3D printing process please refer to this detailed article.

By understanding these fundamental aspects of FDM 3D printing, you can optimize your designs and achieve better print quality.

Ideal 3D Printing Material for Your Project

Explore a comprehensive guide to selecting the perfect material for your FDM 3D printed product. Learn about the properties, application and drawbacks of different materials to find the best fit for your needs.

Material Properties Application Drawbacks


Biodegradable, durable, good chemical resistance, low thermal resistance
Prototyping, educational projects, personalized consumer goods
May deform under high temperatures


Strong, flexible, good chemical resistance, moderate thermal resistance
Functional parts, mechanical components
Susceptible to scratching and wear over time


Tough, impact-resistant, good chemical resistance, moderate thermal resistance
Automotive parts, electronic housings
Prone to fading or discoloration in prolonged sunlight


UV-resistant, durable, good chemical resistance, moderate thermal resistance
Outdoor fixtures, automotive parts
May become brittle in extreme cold conditions

Silk PLA

Glossy, smooth finish, biodegradable, low thermal resistance
Aesthetic and decorative objects
Limited color options may not suit all designs

Wood PLA

Wood-like appearance, biodegradable, low thermal resistance
Decorative items, architectural models
Requires special care to avoid warping or cracking

Fluorescent PLA

Glows under UV light, biodegradable, low thermal resistance
Toys, safety signs, novelty items
Glow effect may diminish over time with exposure


Flexible, abrasion-resistant, good chemical resistance, low thermal resistance
Flexible hinges, protective packaging, anti-vibration products, automotive instrument panels, rc wheels, sporting goods, medical devices fixtures
Limited color options may not suit all designs, difficult to post-process


Strong, flexible, good chemical resistance, moderate thermal resistance
Mechanical parts, functional prototypes
Absorbs moisture, may swell or distort in humid environments


High strength, heat-resistant, good chemical resistance, high thermal resistance
Automotive, aerospace components
Prone to yellowing or hazing over time with UV exposure

Carbon Fiber Reinforced Filaments

High strength, lightweight, good chemical resistance, high thermal resistance
High-strength applications
Higher cost compared to other materials

Post-Processing and Coating Options for your Printed Parts

Discover how to improve the durability, appearance, and functionality of your prints with our post-processing and coating techniques. These options are available upon request for an additional cost.

Material Post-Processing Options Coating Options Additional Notes


Sanding, painting, polishing
Clear coat for added durability
PLA+ is easy to post-process due to its smooth surface


Sanding, painting, polishing or vapor smoothing
Clear coat for added durability, UV-resistant coatings
Vapor smoothing can provide a glossy finish


Sanding, painting, acetone vapor smoothing
Clear coat for added durability, UV-resistant coatings
Acetone vapor smoothing can give a glossy, smooth finish


Sanding, painting, acetone vapor smoothing
Clear coat for added durability
ASA is particularly suitable for outdoor applications

Silk PLA

Sanding, painting, polishing
Clear coat for added durability
Silk PLA provides a glossy finish suitable for decorations

Wood PLA

Sanding, staining, painting
Clear coat for added durability
PLA Wood can be treated similarly to natural wood

Fluorescent PLA

Sanding, painting, polishing
Clear coat for added durability
Fluorescent PLA offers unique visual effects under UV light


Sanding, painting, polishing
Clear coat for added durability
TPU's flexibility may require specific post-processing


Sanding, dyeing, vapor smoothing
Clear coat for added durability, moisture-resistant coatings
Nylon absorbs moisture and requires careful handling


Sanding, painting, polishing
Clear coat for added durability
Polycarbonate offers high durability but can be prone to warping

Carbon Fiber Reinforced Filaments

Sanding, painting, polishing
Clear coat for added durability
Carbon fiber filaments are abrasive and may require special care.

FDM 3D Printing vs. Other Manufacturing Methods

Compare the benefits and limitations of FDM 3D printing with various traditional and advanced manufacturing techniques. This guide will help you make the best choice based on your specific application, production volume, material needs, and budget. The “other manufacturing techniques” referenced in the comparison table include a range of traditional and advanced manufacturing methods viz. CNC machining, injection molding, laser cutting, sheet metal fabrication, additive manufacturing (SLA, SLS, DMLS), and vacuum forming.

Aspect FDM 3D Printing Other Manufacturing Techniques


Relatively fast for prototyping and small-scale production.
Speed varies depending on the technique but can be faster for mass production.


Low cost for prototyping and small production runs.
Costs can be higher for tooling and setup, but lower for large-scale production.

Design Complexity

Good for complex geometries and intricate designs.
Some techniques have limitations on design complexity.


Easily customizable with minimal setup time.
Customization may require significant retooling and setup.

Environmental Impact

Can be more environmentally friendly due to reduced waste (only uses material needed for the object).
Some techniques produce more waste or have higher energy consumption.

Material Variety

Wide range of available materials, including plastics, composites, and even some metals.
Limited materials available, depending on the technique.

Surface Finish

Typically rougher surface finish compared to other techniques.
Other techniques can achieve smoother finishes with less post-processing.

Strength and Durability

Parts may be weaker or less durable compared to parts made with other manufacturing methods.
Other techniques may produce stronger or more durable parts.

Accuracy and Precision

Lower accuracy and precision compared to some other techniques.
Higher accuracy and precision achievable with some other methods.


Limited scalability for large-scale production due to slower printing speeds.
Other techniques may offer faster production rates for large volumes.

Post-Processing Requirements

Often requires post-processing for surface smoothing or support removal.
Some other techniques may require less post-processing.

Design Guidelines for 3D Printing

To help you create high-quality, printable designs, we’ve compiled key design practices and software recommendations. These guidelines will enhance your 3D printing workflow and ensure successful outcomes.

Category Complexity Support Structures

Design for Additive Manufacturing (DFAM)

Leverage the freedom of 3D printing to design intricate geometries that traditional manufacturing methods cannot achieve.

Minimize overhangs and use support structures only when necessary to reduce post-processing efforts and material usage.

Category Overhangs Support Structures

Optimizing Supports and Overhangs

Design angles less than 45 degrees where possible to minimize the need for supports. Consider chamfering or adding fillets to sharp angles to improve printability.

Position support structures strategically to minimize contact with visible surfaces and facilitate easy removal. While we address this during the slicing process, it's advisable to consider this aspect in your designs if they include built-in supports, as it enhances print quality.

Category Minimum Wall Thickness Tolerances

Wall Thickness and Tolerances

Ensure features such as walls and details meet the minimum printable thickness for your chosen printing technology to maintain structural integrity.

Account for tolerances in your design to ensure parts fit together correctly, considering factors such as shrinkage and layer adhesion.

Category Fillet Chamfer

Fillet and Chamfer

Use fillets to round off sharp edges and corners, which reduces stress concentrations and improves printability.

Add chamfers to edges to facilitate bed adhesion and reduce the likelihood of warping.

Category Tinkercad Fusion 360 SolidWorks Blender

CAD Software

A beginner-friendly online CAD tool for simple 3D modeling tasks, ideal for quick prototyping and educational purposes.

A powerful modeling tool from Autodesk, suitable for both beginners and advanced users, with parametric design capabilities.

Widely used in engineering for its robust modeling features and assembly capabilities, ideal for creating complex parts and assemblies.

A versatile open-source 3D modeling software for creating detailed models, supporting various file formats.

Category Meshmixer Netfabb

Mesh Repair & Design Validation

A versatile tool from Autodesk for repairing and modifying 3D models, fixing common mesh issues to ensure a watertight model suitable for printing. It does have a questionable long term support though.

Provides advanced analysis and repair tools for 3D models, including wall thickness analysis, part nesting, and support generation, ensuring your designs are optimized for manufacturing and is a recommended tool if you are looking to make 3d printable designs.

Students and educators can obtain free one-year access to Autodesk products and services, with the option to renew as long as eligibility is maintained.

By following these design guidelines and utilizing recommended software tools, you can optimize your 3D printing process and create high-quality, 3D printable designs with ease. Feel free to reach out if you need further assistance.

Maintenance and Care Tips for 3D Printed Objects

To ensure the longevity and quality of your 3D printed objects, follow these essential maintenance and care tips.

Category Tips


  • Soft Brush: Use a soft-bristled brush to gently remove dust and debris from the surface of your 3D printed objects.
  • Mild Soap and Water: For a deeper clean, use mild soap with water. Avoid harsh chemicals that could damage the material.


  • Cool, Dry Place: Store your prints in a cool and dry environment to maintain their shape and prevent warping.
  • Away from Humidity: High humidity can negatively affect certain materials, leading to deformation over time.


  • Handle with Care: Avoid dropping or applying excessive force to prevent cracks and breaks.
  • Use Gloves: Wearing gloves can help prevent oils from your skin transferring to the object, which could degrade certain materials.


  • Compatible Adhesives: Use adhesives that are compatible with your 3D print material to bond broken parts effectively.
  • Sanding and Smoothing: Carefully sand rough edges to smooth them out without damaging the overall structure.


  • Durability Coatings: Applying a protective coating can enhance the durability and longevity of your print.
  • Follow Techniques: Adhere to recommended post-processing methods specific to your material for best results.

Environmental Factors

  • Temperature Exposure: Keep your prints away from extreme temperatures that could cause melting or brittleness.
  • UV Protection: Shield your prints from direct sunlight to prevent UV-related degradation.

Regular Inspections

  • Signs of Wear: Regularly check your prints for any signs of wear and tear.
  • Prompt Repairs: Address minor issues promptly to avoid more significant damage.

Usage Considerations

  • Load Limits: Use the prints within the limits they were designed for to avoid overstressing the material.
  • Chemical Exposure: Avoid using 3D printed objects in environments with high chemical exposure that could degrade the material.

By following these maintenance and care tips, you can significantly extend the life and functionality of your 3D printed objects.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact us. We are always happy to help and provide any additional information you may need.

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